End of Life & End of Service: Chance for an upgrade in the control room!

A control room is just as good as the technology that is used there. Even professionals will only achieve optimum results if they have the right tools at their disposal. But: IT infrastructure has a limited lifespan. However, the ‘End of Life’ (EOL) or the ‘End of Service’ (EOS) not merely presents new challenges, but also new opportunities! The option of an upgrade, a refresh that brings control rooms and control centers back up to the state of the art.

Find out more!
Kontrollraumtechnik - End of Life, End of Service

Always up to date with JST – keeping the control center future-proof

Precise deficit and risk analysis

The laptop huffs and puffs. You can almost ‘hear’ how its service life is coming to an end. Not so in the control room! The technology in the background is supposed to ensure operational stability 24/7, but is often neglected. First there is a gradual loss of performance and then, all of a sudden, the End of Life or End of Service (EOL/EOS) scenarios appear. As an experienced supplier of future-proof systems and efficient processes in control rooms, JST knows these weak points and advises proactive action.

Customised planning and execution

KVM technology (keyboard, video, mouse) ensures security, efficiency and flexibility in the control center. However, like any IT product, this technology needs to be reviewed from time to time. JST specialists evaluate the components, recommend measures for system updates and technical modernisation – before EOL or EOS lead to avoidable wrong decisions!

Successful transformation

An IT infrastructure that also takes cost optimisation into account. Technical updates that provide a performance boost coupled with maximum reliability in the control room. These are some of the key advances included in a JST control center refresh. Based on a KVM system change, the gates are opened for smart digital technologies.

JST Referenz NWKG - Schaltwarte vor dem Umbau JST Referenz NWKG - Schaltwarte nach dem Umbau

A visible visual upgrade: in the new control room at NWKG in Wilhelmshaven, not only the ergonomic furnishings and the video wall have been redesigned to meet the latest standards. In particular, the KVM technology, which ‘behind the scenes’ ensures the high-availability operation of the installation, has been given a system update. Full redundancy provides reliability.

Why EOS & EOL represent an opportunity for future security

Predictive system update – the most important plus points

Failure resilience: seamless protection with customised services

Efficiency: New components and features boost performance

Sustainability: energy and resources are saved to minimise costs

Future-proof: innovative KVM technology according to the latest standards

Freedom of choice: upgrade advice without time pressure from EOL/EOS

Still state of the art? Experts analyse the status quo

Having to replace an old system in the control room can have many triggers. Devices reach the end of their useful life, are replaced by successor products or are no longer compatible with replacement components. The ‘end of service’ can also be a reason, for example if there are no more updates or new functions. In these cases, it is worth analysing the status quo precisely. Even better: take action before the time counts down!

The experts from the JST Consulting crew are not only specialised in developing concepts and planning integrated control room solutions. They also focus on upgrade consulting and operational optimisation for outdated control center technology.

Get ahead of the countdown now!
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Kontrollraumtechnik - Experten analysieren den Status quo
When will be the right moment for a change?

Who wants to wait until he is overtaken by reality? High-availability components are indispensable for the long-term fail-safe operation of control center technology. There is no room for increasing maintenance intensity and susceptibility to faults.

A small calculation example: Over a period of seven years, 24/7 components in the control room perform the incredible sum of more than 60,000 operating hours! This makes it all the more surprising that the question of a technological update is often only raised when the ‘end of life’ or ‘end of service’ has been reached. Expert advice: Replacing an old system before the official ‘expiry date’ not only provides a performance boost, but also ensures a high level of process reliability.

Proactive for more security and better performance
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Kontrollraumtechnik: wann ist der richtige Moment für einen Wechsel?
Choice of two KVM systems plus hybrid solution

There is no standing still in the world of IT. The constantly growing amount of data requires more and more new, smart products to manage the flood of information. Control and operating systems in the control room receive a hardware refresh or completely new tools and options. With the two KVM solutions JST MultiConsoling® and JST MultiStreaming®, reliable and high-performance technologies are available; one hardware-based, the other as an IP streaming variant with impressive functions. The best thing is that existing MultiConsoling systems can easily be supplemented with the impressive features of the streaming alternative in conjunction with a control room refresh. The result is an innovative hybrid solution.

Modernisation delivers new features
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Kontrollraumtechnik: KVM Systeme plus Hybrid-Lösung
Time for an upgrade? Then look at other control centers!

How do other companies deal with questions about updates or upgrades? Which new tools provide additional efficiency and security? For both questions, it is worth taking a look at modern control centers with a similar profile. In other words, reference projects that have already benefited from new components and intelligent operating systems and have therefore been able to establish improved processes. One of these new elements is the JST CommandPad®. Optionally available as a built-in version and as a mobile version, the tablet serves the operator with its touchscreen as an important visualisation option for all sources in the control room environment. The intuitive 3D user interface of the myGUI® allows scenarios to be activated at the touch of a finger.

Smart components give the operator security
We are glad to help!
Kontrollraumtechnik - JST CommandPad®
Access from the home office and from far away locations

Effortless and delay-free access to worldwide locations? Secure remote contact from the home office to the control center? JST combines maximum security and top performance in the ‘remote access’ discipline. The KVM-over-IP variant with JST MultiStreaming® enables worldwide networking without any noticeable latency. Smooth, stable, with great transmission quality!

MultiConsoling® also enables the comprehensive and convenient connection of decentralised systems and locations. Integrate computers in remote technical rooms via the so-called Grabber IP or connect to a global control center. Operators can switch on local computers just as quickly and conveniently as decentralised sources.

Connect sites: KVM enables real-time remote access
We are glad to help!
Selected by leading companies and institutions

This is what real flexibility in the control room means

Easily connect systems and sources via the network – discover new KVM technologies!

KVM upgrade supplies SplitView & Dynamic SplitControl

Real added value is created by upgrading the control room management system with JST MultiStreaming® KVM technology. Smart performance solutions make the streaming-over-IP variant so unique. With Dynamic SplitControl, the user not only has the option of designing a dynamic arrangement of the most important systems in his user interface. He can also access the selected applications directly and take control of them. The user decides on a case-by-case basis which screen section is the current focus and which window is displayed in which size.

Video wall becomes a multi-player

Each monitor on the large screen wall, on the other hand, receives an intelligent upgrade with SplitView technology. Different screen contents can be combined on a single display – and operated in real time without delay! No information is lost with the IP streaming solution! Size, placement, number – you decide which displays are most important for the central tasks of your control room. Your administrator defines the presets individually and adapts them to your requirements.

Curious about the performance options of JST MultiStreaming®?

Would you like to learn more about KVM technology from JST?

JST MultiStreaming

Network-based KVM technology: smart and secure with JST MultiStreaming®

Efficiency, productivity, security – that’s what JST MultiStreaming® stands for. Connect all sources conveniently and flexibly via the network using IP streaming. Even remote access to worldwide target locations is possible – stable, in great quality!

JST MultiStreaming®
JST myGUI Interface

Video wall, workstation and infrastructure under control with the myGUI® platform

The intuitive myGUI® user interface in the 3D layout of your control room offers maximum ease of use for your MultiConsoling® system. With just one click you can operate workstations, monitor walls and infrastructure – reliably, even in stressful situations!

More about myGUI®
JST MultiConsoling

MultiConsoling® – the high-availability command center for your control room

MultiConsoling® is the high-availability control center for connecting all of the signals from your systems to the monitors at the operator’s workstation and on the monitor walls. Transmission takes place in real time and does not require any software on your computers.

More about MultiConsoling®

Experience more at a planning workshop in the control room simulator

Having visions of the future is good. Experiencing is better! Visit the control room simulator, unique in Europe, where state-of-the-art technology and the latest ergonomic know-how are combined. The control room of the future. The special feature: Here you can touch everything and try it out for yourself.

Whether virtual or live on site – the workshop in the control room simulator is free of charge.
We kindly ask for prior registration.

Would you like to discover the control room world of JST?

Kontrollraumspezialisten von JST

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I would like to visit the Europe-wide unique control room simulator!


Visiting the control room simulator is free of charge.
We ask for registration and reservation of dates.
Gladly also as an interactive online meeting.

The large practical book of the control rooms

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The Practice Book is free of charge for JST customers.