Monitor walls and display walls with seamless 24/7 LC displays and alarm function

JST DisplayWalls are the big players in your control room. They are event-controlled, this means that computers and cameras can be automatically switched on and operated in real time without the operator having to intervene. The operator refers to this as “TeamView” because now the entire team has the same level of knowledge about the most important alarms.

Ingo Müller - Helmholtz Center Berlin

Watch the video: New control center for science – Interview with Ingo Müller (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)

JST DisplayWalls: Important advantages and possible designs

Quality: Designed for 24/7 operation in control rooms

Proactive:  Interfaces for event-controlled alarming with PixelDetection®

Well laid out:  Identifying causes and making decisions through “TeamView”

Operation: In real-time with keyboard & mouse, directly on the monitor wall

Event control: Computers and cameras are connected fully automatically in case of alarms

Six good reasons to choose JST DisplayWalls:

A DisplayWall consists of several large LC displays or rear-projection cubes that are installed on top of each other and side by side. This creates a large and coherent image.


Detailed representation

Relationships between different alarms are quickly and clearly recognized due to the large display area, large vertical and horizontal viewing angle, perfect illumination by energy-saving LED backlight and high pixel resolution.



JST DisplayWalls are specially designed for 24/7 continuous operation in control rooms. These are explicitly not televisions that are used in the private sector.


Fast cause and decision finding through “TeamView

The entire control room team receives the most important information simultaneously. TeamView can even be operated simultaneously or alternately and in real-time directly on the DisplayWall. It becomes a real extension of the workstation desktop. Faster reaction and interference suppression through noticeably improved teamwork.

JST - InfraLeuna-Large screen wall with practical QuickOut system

Example: DisplayCover with QuickOut mounting system and AlarmLight in the InfraLeuna central control room

JST Large screen wall paneling: In the InfraLeuna central control room, the cladding of the large screen wall – here equipped with eight 46-inch displays with extra-slim frames – not only reduces the noise level in the control room but also offers additional storage space thanks to the multifunctional equipment with hinged doors.

Perfect service accessibility – even for displays located in the middle of a video wall – the JST QuickOut mounting system. By slightly pressing the outer edges of the display, each individual display slides forward (quick-out) to provide access to rear connections and technical components in case of inspection.


Clear, structured, tidy

By combining the most varied system, plant and hazard states, more efficient monitoring and control is made possible. There is no need for many workstation monitors. The operator always keeps the overview.


JST DisplayWalls have interfaces for event-controlled alarming!

This means: Display of the most important alarms, at the required time, at the right place and in the optimal size. Only in this way does the DisplayWall become a secure information hub where no alarm remains undetected.


More decision safety

In order to be able to act even faster and always in a coordinated manner, additional information is added to the alarms automatically and depending on the situation. A correlation of different alarms is also possible in a variety of ways. Only JST offers this special intelligence.

Learn more about Monitor walls in our videos

Would you like to find out more about JST’s monitor walls?

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The large practical book of the control rooms

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The praxis book is free of charge for JST customers.

Chosen by leading companies and institutions

AlarmLight for DisplaySuit

Unlimited color variety – optically and technically a real “bright spot” for your control room!
  • Shortened reaction times: Event-controlled light signals are demonstrably perceived more strongly by the entire team.

  • Increased team awareness during critical alarms. No alarm remains unnoticed!

  • Better visibility during understaffed shifts

  • Simple integration with your monitoring tools

JST Operator workstations in front of the large screen wall.
         Pleasant working light

Thanks to AlarmLight, the operator’s concentration is maintained at a high level. The pleasant lighting of the workstation environment directly contributes to this – especially during the dark hours of the day.

The AlarmLight is controlled by your monitoring or process control system to change color depending on the event. The flashing and pulsing of the AlarmLight can also be individually adjusted. Either you decide on a pre-programmed color spectrum or you set the AlarmLight manually by remote control according to your wishes.

JST Alarm light on the large screen wall .
         Operator workstations

The AlarmLight light band is located in the stainless steel strips to the left and right of the large screen wall; optionally also integrated in the back wall of the Stratos Operator Desk. Event-controlled light signals via your monitoring or process control system direct the focus of the control room team to critical alarms.

We will gladly answer your questions about our control stations, process control rooms and control centers

What clients report about their experience with JST – Jungmann Systemtechnik®

Marvin Volbert (Leitung Technische Anlagen CÜ Charité)
“We now flexibly switch on the systems we want to see depending on the situation – with just one mouse and one keyboard. Three screens at the workstation and the large-screen technology provide a perfect overview.”
Marvin Volbert
Head of Technical Systems CÜ Charité
protec service GmbH - 
Mathias Lindscheid
“Great products, great service and at every point of our cooperation we met a very friendly team from JST.“
Mathias Lindscheid
Managing Director
Stadtwerke Steinburg GmbH, Itzehoe - René Quurk / Rolf Weihausen
“What was presented to us in the control room simulator made me a fan of the project from the start”
René Quurk (left) // Rolf Weihausen
Division Manager Network Management // Project Manager
JST Reference EVB Operations Centre: Project Manager Nicolai Breden
“The particular advantages of a large screen are obvious. The fewer monitors at the workplace, the better. The more focused the colleagues can work”.
Nicolai Breden
Project engineer of Eisenbahnen und Verkehrsbetriebe Elbe-Weser GmbH (evb)
Munich Airport EFM - Florian Hilz
“The visit to the control room simulator and the expert advice were great – one of the biggest deciding factors for us.”
Florian Hilz
Consultant to the management of EFM (de-icing and aircraft towing at Munich Airport) GmbH
JST MVL Schwedt: Project manager Pascal Havy satisfied with control room solution
“We have sounded out the market thoroughly and are simply convinced that JST is the best partner for us. Consulting, technology and quality are right. At JST, you’re dealing with professionals from A to Z.”
Pascal Havy
Managing Director of Mineralölverbundleitung (MVL) GmbH Schwedt

JST Das große Praxisbuch der Kontrollräume

Guidebooks, checklists, practical examples, solutions and technical articles for the installation of control rooms, control stations and control centers

The great practical book of control rooms is free of charge for JST customers and interested parties.

I would like


Monitor walls and display walls must be viewed live to be able to evaluate the quality. Is that possible with the control room specialists?

Our Monitor walls and display walls can be experienced live in our new control room simulator. They form the central component in every control room and are therefore also the heart of our control room planning. When designing the optimal monitor wall, we also think in detail about ergonomics, viewing angle, lighting and hardware. Because a monitor wall must ultimately meet all requirements perfectly. The display wall and monitor wall should always be seen as a central point to which all other elements are aligned. How the perfect interaction between display wall, monitor wall and workstation works, which innovative technical refinements JST has also developed and how fast the transmission of signals works, we would be happy to show you in our
control room-Simulator.

Monitor walls must offer me a real cinema experience (?). Is this the case with the JST display wall?

Monitor walls and display walls with 4K or better 8K – we hear this wish more and more often from our customers lately. The development of high-resolution displays has progressed rapidly in recent years. Some customers also want outstanding visual experiences on the monitor wall in their control room. But what is sensible and comprehensible in the consumer area at home or in the cinema makes little sense in the control room. Why we cannot recommend UHD on the monitor wall? The costs are too high! For a 4K monitor wall with suitable technology, graphics cards, cabling, etc., the costs are three to four times higher. Therefore, our recommendation for the display wall in the control room is: Full HD. “We only recommend our customers displays with special S-PVA panels for reliable 24/7 operation – with ultra slim frames if desired. For the control room, the following applies: Full HD is not only the most economical, but also the most practical decision when it comes to monitor walls and display walls,” says Dirk Lüders, systems IT specialist for signal and security systems at JST.

Display walls and monitor walls must constantly provide up-to-date information. How do you keep the overview?

Display walls and monitor walls are primarily used to provide the control room team on duty with all important information just in time. Alarms must be recognized immediately. Incidents should be rectified quickly. To ensure that this succeeds reliably, JST has developed the MultiConsoling®. It controls in real time your display wall or monitor wall independent of the IP network. MultiConsoling® thus combines the characteristics of a graphics controller with the advantages of a fail-safe matrix system and thus ensures the highly available control for your monitor wall and display wall.

For transmission to the display wall, MultiConsoling® simultaneously records all signals of the components to be displayed, such as computers (including keyboard, mouse, monitor, audio), analogue or digital cameras and TV, and distributes them in real-time to individual displays or as BigPicture to the entire display wall consisting of several screens. Thanks to our myGUI® user interface each operator has within four minutes the control of the entire display wall firmly under control!