Build a process control room - JST Jungmann offers you the perfect solution. Can we inspire you?

Are you looking for a professional partner for the construction of your process control room? Then JST is perfect for you. Since 2001 we have been implementing well thought-out and technically innovative process control rooms for a wide range of industries right down to the last detail. Our solutions are developed individually to meet specific needs and architectural constraints. We are always on the cutting edge of technology and are passionate about developing our own outstanding professional tools, which are only available at JST. Such as our PixelDetection®. It works away reliably in the background acting as a watchful eye of the operator and emits an alarm at the right moment. We would like to invite you to personally experience the full range of our services in our control room simulator. You will be thrilled!

Building Process Control Rooms with JST Jungmann
PCK Logo
  • Analysis and planning of your process control room.
  • Everything from a single source: architecture, technology, light, acoustics, climate.
  • Modern monitor walls for 24/7 operation
  • Ergonomic process control room furniture from Germany.
  • Stress-free and efficient operation.
  • Pleasant working atmosphere for optimum performance.
Chosen by leading companies and institutions

Practical examples: Building process control rooms

Industry and public utilities rely on JST technology for their process control rooms in 24/7 continuous operation. The highest safety regulations apply here. High demands are also placed on the employees. Because no alarm can be allowed to escape their watchful eyes, considerable harm can quickly be done in an emergency. JST knows the requirements and knows which hardware and software solutions you need to have everything perfectly under control. Our enthusiastic customers will give you an insight into our joint projects here. Browse through our references. We are confident that there is a completed project that fits your requirements.

We will be happy to put you in touch with the appropriate contact person.

Process control room built for PCK refinery

PCK Raffinerie GmbH in Schwedt/Oder is one of the top companies in Brandenburg and the most important company in the Uckermark. Around 12 million tonnes of crude oil are processed into petroleum and petrochemical products in Schwedt every year. The main products are diesel, petrol, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas, heating oils and bitumen. PCK was one of the first refineries in Germany to use biofuels and is itself a major producer of high-quality biofuel components.

JST - PCK Schwedt: Control room project managers are very happy
"Compared to the satellite measuring stations and also to the old central measuring station, we have been able to improve in every aspect, be it acoustics, lighting, air conditioning, ergonomics or user-friendliness".

Eric Sieger, Thomas Taube, Carsten Jungmann (from left to right)

Chief Divisional Engineer for Processing (PCK) / Divisional Engineer for Maintenance Service and Project Coordinator (PCK) / Managing Director (JST)


Process control room constructed as the heart of the MVA - waste recovery plant

All operating and emissions data are collected by them, they check that the limit values are never exceeded, thus guaranteeing the highest safety standards: The operators in the new control room of Müllverwertungsanlage Bonn GmbH (MVA), a subsidiary of Stadtwerke Bonn, are responsible for monitoring all data and functions at the core of the plant. This important task is supported by products from Jungmann Systemtechnik – JST.

JST References - MVA-Bonn: Project Manager Frank Nachtsheim is happy with the new control room
"Things are going great. The system has been very well received by colleagues."

Frank Nachtsheim

Plant Manager of MVA Bonn


Process control room completely constructed

The monitoring of around 2,000 computer systems is the focus of the employees at Audi’s so-called “MMS” control room in Ingolstadt. MMS – that stands for Manufacturing Management System. This involves continuous testing of all the steps required to produce the various models. The new control room was equipped by the control room specialists from Jungmann Systemtechnik.

JST-AUDI MMS Control Room -Project managers are happy
Positive feedback for JST's services in the Audi control room - from left:

Alan Haydt, Gerhard Sporer, Jürgen Schneider (from left to right)

Head of Maintenance Processes and Systems Engineering / Control Center Coordination / Project Manager

JST product overview: Think of everything!

JST-solutions and components. Control-room-drawing

Build process control rooms with suitable components

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We want to restructure our process control room. We would like to begin by getting our own impression of the products, the software and the furniture. Is that possible?

Yes, it’s possible! And you can even try out everything for yourself. Visit our control room simulator. In our simulator for process control rooms – unique in Europe – you can expect the most up-to-date technology and the latest ergonomic know-how. We call it: The control room of the future. Here you can touch everything that JST has to offer and try out live. Our staff will show you every detail and provide you with a first impression as to how your new process control room will feel.

What will we experience in the control room simulator?

Experience what the future holds for you live in our process control room. An exciting tour with the latest technology awaits you and is guaranteed to amaze you:

  • Optimal display of your systems on different monitor walls.
  • With MultiConsoling® and myGUI® you will receive maximum flexibility and simplify the operation of your systems.
  • CockpitView provides an optimal overview and supports rapid fault clearance.
  • PixelDetection® reduces reaction times to a swift minimum.
  • JST-myLogin® makes logging in/logging out at every workstation a snap.
  • Control room furniture such as Stratos X11 stand-up/seated operator’s consoles, situation tables and innovative ergonomic, lighting and acoustic concepts ensure fatigue-free and concentrated work.
  • Special technical titbits such as “Augmented Reality” and voice and gesture control provide an exciting look into the future.

We currently have far too many monitors in our process control room. What solutions will we see for this in the control room simulator?

In our control room simulator we demonstrate the flexible workstation interconnection with MultiConsoling®. You can actively try out how this works for yourself. By installing it in your process control room, the number of individual screens can be significantly reduced. Another advantage is that the operators are free to choose the location of their workstations and can log in at any workstation. This helps to foster teamwork, as the necessary employees can come together quickly wherever makes the most sense. In our planning, all associated computers in the process control room are given their own air-conditioned technical room. Computer relocation ensures a better atmosphere in the room without annoying noises and with pleasant temperatures. The entire system can be conveniently controlled with our myGUI® user interface.

We are happy to answer your questions on the construction of the process control room

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