Category: Switch room
Critical infrastructures


Wind energy: Innovative monitoring optimizes work in the control room

North Sea storms may be an impressive and beautiful natural spectacle for lots of people. For many residents of Heligoland, however, they also have an economic component. The island has been benefiting from wind energy since 2014. At that time, the RWE Group began using the site for the operation, maintenance and monitoring of wind farms. Up to 300 turbines, spread across five offshore wind farms, are monitored at peak times by the RWE control room on Heligoland. In order to create ideal working conditions for the 24/7 active operator team, an innovative control room has now been installed on the island by the JST experts.

An outpost in the middle of the German Bight. A place where the term “harvest” has nothing to do with grain or vegetables. Wind is “harvested” off the coast of Heligoland. The RWE wind farms produce renewable energy for hundreds of thousands of German households and thus play a key role in the generation of green electricity from wind energy. Provided that operation runs smoothly.

At some point we would have run out of space

In order to ensure the smooth control of turbines and transformer stations, the control room at Heligoland’s southern harbor was extensively renovated. The control station, which was originally tasked with monitoring a single wind farm, now supervises up to five wind farms at peak times. “The old setup was inflexible,” recalls project manager (external) Niclas Kampe, “if a new wind farm with five systems was added, five new screens also had to be installed. Each operator had several keyboards and mice in front of them. We couldn’t go on like this. We would have simply run out of space at some point.”

JST wins public tender

Following an extensive competitive tender process, where RWE considered a range of industry leading providers, there was a winner. The control room experts from JST – Jungmann Systemtechnik®, based in northern Germany, not only won the tender, “you also get the feeling that we are dealing with a very innovative company. The geographical proximity also played into our hands,” explains Sebastian Schirmel, technical project manager at RWE.

Components facilitate work in the control room

Already at the beginning of the project, the users from the control room had the opportunity to get up close and personal with the JST technologies: “During a visit to the JST control room simulator, our operators were able to experience directly what is possible with Jungmann technology. We saw how the functionalities of the individual components support and facilitate work on the island in a meaningful way; for example, through optimized alarm management with PixelDetection®. That was very informative,” says Sebastian Schirmel.

Essential criterion: user-friendliness

Whether TeamView on the new DisplayWall, the intuitive user interface of the myGUI® user platform or the improved overview through self-selected dashboards with the CockpitView® software – at every point in the JST overall concept, the aim is to prepare information in such a way that the user is supported in his monitoring activities through an optimized overview and flexible access options. “With the KVM solution MultiConsoling®, we can flexibly connect all desired sources and thus save screens. The user-friendliness of JST clearly convinced us – that was a key criterion,” recaps Sebastian Schirmel.

"A big gain" for ergonomics and comfort

Also ergonomics and comfort are highly relevant for shift work. The Stratos X11® control room console, the ergonomic bestseller among control room consoles, and the OPAL X11® acoustic ceiling sail with its dimmable circadian lighting therefore play a particularly important role for the technical project manager: “We have 24/7 monitoring here. The ceiling sails and the resulting lighting options are a great benefit, especially for the night shift.”

Team gives "Thumbs up" for the new control room

Project manager and staff from the island give a clear “thumbs up” for the JST installation. “We are very satisfied overall,” summarizes Niclas Kampe. In addition to the products and the actual implementation of the control room, he mentions two other aspects that deserve positive feedback from the customer’s point of view: Kampe and Schirmel rate the willingness to find solution-oriented answers to specific RWE corporate IT requirements and the ability to individually adapt service level agreements to current requirements as decisive benefits.

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