Photo 1 | JST control room planning: Technically and optically "state of the art" - the new measuring station of STORAG ETZEL Service GmbH monitors and controls the injection and withdrawal of natural gas and crude oil in the Etzel cavern facility in East Frisia, thus contributing to the security of supply in Germany.
Photo 2 | JST control room planning: Virtual visit to the new control room using a professional 3D visualization...
Photo 3 | ...and the implementation of the preceding planning into reality. The geographic overview maps to the right and left of the video wall, which indicate the location of the caverns including associated emergency stop switch, were also captured in the 3D graphics.
Photo 4 | JST 3D planning: Photorealistic 3D studies provided planning security right from the start of the project. Thanks to the visualizations, change requests can also be easily identified...
Photo 5 | ...such as the adaptation of the colors to the corporate design of the company. Here, for example, the design of the side panels of reception counters and control panels in the color "light green"
Photo 6 | View into the former control room: More tasks, more systems, more screens and mouse-keyboard units - this was the spiral that STORAG ETZEL wanted to break...
Photo 7 | Similar perspective into the new measuring station: large-screen technology and the flexible MultiConsoling® control concept not only ensure a significantly improved overview and flexibility today. Future systems can also be integrated without any problems.
Photo 8 | JST control station table: The topic of "ergonomics" also played an important role in the installation of the new measuring station. Here, for example, through back-friendly control room desks that ...
Photo 9 | ... enable stepless, electromotive height adjustment. The change between sitting and standing height can prevent damage to health.
Photo 10 | JST control station table: The special Stratos X11® operator consoles (here the "Curve" model) are equipped with inspection flaps for spacious and illuminated supply rooms...
Photo 11 | ... inside there is sufficient space for large quantities of cables and technical components - a special feature that standard work tables do not offer.
Photo 12 | JST control room desk: Clean solution and well thought-out in every detail - cables for the rear connections on the Stratos X11® operator desk are invisibly routed during height adjustment. The high-quality consoles from a German furniture manufacturer are convincing all along the line.
Photo 13 | JST control room furniture: Custom-made products are also no problem for the Jungmann team. Here, for example, a central operating unit, which was equipped with a radio system at STORAG ETZEL. This allows contact to be maintained with colleagues outside on the cavern field.
Photo 14 | JST control room furniture: Reception counter, matching the design of the control room desks. Custom-made products are possible in the JST "furniture forge" individually according to customer requirements.
Photo 15 | JST Möbel: Customized cabinet solutions - the quality furniture from the Jungmann portfolio was made for STORAG ETZEL exactly to the company's specifications.
Photo 16 | JST control room design: The AlarmLight (here glowing blue) visually integrates the large-screen wall into the overview maps with the physical emergency stop switches. A harmonious unit is created.
Photo 17 | JST Videowall: A total of ten 46-inch LC displays are used in the measuring station to transmit process control images and camera shots. The extra-slim frames of the large-screen monitors are also particularly suitable for displaying so-called BigPictures, large overviews without disturbing frames.
Photo 18 | JST large-screen technology: The video wall is integrated into a JST DisplaySuit, which not only offers a visually appealing design, but also fulfills a wide range of customer requirements - here a variant with AlarmLight and integrated loudspeakers, which, with the appropriate presetting, makes both visual and acoustic alarms possible.
Photo 19 | JST MultiConsoling®: With the graphical MultiConsoling user interface myGUI® the consoles of the workstations and the large screen wall are displayed as an interactive "control room image". All required sources are shown on the side They can be dragged and operated by the operator in the measuring station via customizable icons to any screen at the workstation or large screen wall simply by mouse click.
Photo 20 | JST technology: Redundancy for maximum fail-safety - the two devices in the middle are the MultiCenters for control room operation via JST MultiConsoling®, here in double version. Above them are the myGUI® controllers.
Control room monitors automated processes in oil and gas storage
Pipes, valves, pressure gauges – what the viewer sees on the cavern field in Friedeburg, Lower Saxony, already suggests that complex monitoring and control tasks are required here. Big quantities of oil and gas are stored in 75 underground caverns in the village of Etzel. This large energy storage facility is controlled by the control room of STORAG ETZEL Service GmbH, which uses state-of-the-art control and visualization technology for this purpose. In cooperation with the experts from JST – Jungmann Systemtechnik®, the company has implemented a control room that is also prepared for future requirements.
Security of supply for natural gas and crude oil – as the largest independent provider of cavern storage facilities in the Federal Republic, STORAG ETZEL makes a valuable contribution to energy security and gas grid stability in Germany and Northwest Europe. This is made possible at the Etzel site by a massive salt dome at a depth of more than 750 meters, which is ideal for storing large quantities of natural gas and crude oil in caverns.
Fully automated processes for storage and withdrawal
But how do oil and gas get into these deep underground storage facilities? And how can these energy sources be made available again when needed? The fact that these automated processes require complex technical control becomes clear when looking at the development of the past decades in the control room of STORAG ETZEL: “In the past, we worked with a mosaic wall on which line paths and measured values were displayed,” recalls engineer Holger Gerdes, head of the process control technology department. “Motors and valves were indicated by little lights – whether a valve was closed or open, whether a motor was in operation or not.” Gerdes: “At some point, that was no longer state of the art. There were constant system additions and attachments. It became more and more confusing over time.”
From the mosaic wall to the modern video wall
The company has now completely abandoned this form of representation. With the support of the JST experts, a completely modernized control room was installed, which not only visualizes the injection and withdrawal of gas and oil via modern large-screen technology, but also takes over the control of other systems of the company: fire alarm system, object protection and the digital radio system are also part of the measuring station’s area of responsibility.

Control room before and after renovation.
"The Jungmann System we like best"
Holger Gerdes: “We have been working on the modernization for years. First supplier contacts at trade fairs then quickly showed us: We like the Jungmann system best.” The project manager considers it a great advantage “that everything comes from a single hand. Furniture, monitor wall and all the technology – we didn’t have to worry about coordinating different companies. Everything was perfect!” When on-site visits to the JST control room simulator and the control center of another underground storage facility in the northwest, also implemented by Jungmann, left a convincing impression on the employees, the decision was made.
Control room team actively involved in the decision
The flexible handling by the JST MultiConsoling® control system made a special impression on the STORAG ETZEL team. Future system expansions can also be easily implemented on the basis of this technology. “The colleagues were actively involved in the decision. This ensured a high level of acceptance; after all, they really wanted MultiConsoling®“, reports Holger Gerdes. And so the head of the department today also speaks for the entire control room crew when he says: “The video wall is a great relief for us. And the MultiConsoling® control system finally offers us a unified solution with which we are completely flexible. The technology makes it possible to switch on any system at any workstation. We now only need a single mouse, with which we can operate all screens and even the large screen wall thanks to MouseHopping. It’s really a fine thing.”
Unsere Referenzen heute (Auswahl)
- s.Oliver, Rottendorf
- SachsenEnergie, Dresden
- SAG, Berlin
- SAG, Nürnberg / Nürnberg Messe
- Salzgitter Flachstahl
- Senvion SE, Osterrönfeld
- SGL Carbon Group, Bonn
- SIEMENS, Wegberg
- Spenner Zement, Erwitte
- Städtische Werke Magdeburg
- Stadtwerke Gießen
- Stadtwerke Ratingen
- Stadtwerke Schwerin, Kraftwerk Süd
- Stadtwerke Steinburg GmbH, Itzehoe
- Stadtwerke Wolfenbüttel
- Starlim Sterner, Marchtrenk
- STORAG ETZEL, Friedeburg
- Straßenverkehrsamt Frankfurt am Main
Unsere Referenzen (Archive)