Photo 1 | JST Measuring station: The Chemical monitoring station of the INEOS Oxide in Cologne can convince both visually and technically. A sophisticated backup concept, latest control technology and ergonomic furniture are only some of the components used here.
Photo 2 | In the old control room, it was no longer possible to meet the increased technical requirements regarding the monitoring and operating systems.
Photo 3 | JST measuring station: When looking into the new Measuring station it becomes clear: Not only technical, but also optical the JST Concept made a quantum leap.
Photo 4 | JST control room concept: In order to meet the requirements of INEOS Oxid regarding system reliability, the entire technology of the control room was designed for maximum redundancy. In the event of a failure, a fully automatic switchover to the backup system takes place. Project manager Waldemar Seibel: "This maximum availability was a basic requirement for us".
Photo 5 | JST Control room desk: The topic "ergonomics" also played an important role in the design of the new control room. Here, for example, with back-friendly work tables that allow infinitely variable height adjustment by electric motor.
Photo 6 | JST Operator desk: The control room tables of the Stratos series (here the “Curve” model) allow a change between sitting and standing height and thus prevent damage to health. "The employees use the opportunity to change positions several times during their shift," explains INEOS project manager Waldemar Seibel.
Photo 7 | JST Operator desks: Whether front or rear: The Stratos X11® OperatorDesk gives a clean and tidy impression at all times, without visible technology and cables. The inspection flaps that can be locked at the customer's request contribute to this, ...
Photo 8 | ... ...behind which there are generously dimensioned, illuminated supply rooms that offer sufficient space for technology and large quantities of cables, thus creating a perfect picture in the control room.
Photo 9 | JST Furniture: The demand for modern control room design can be seen in every detail at JST - here: high-quality stainless steel handles of the individually manufactured sideboard solutions.
Photo 10 | JST Furniture: Cabinet solutions made to measure – the quality furniture from Jungmann furniture manufacture was produced for INEOS Oxide exactly according to customer requirements.
Photo 11 | JST Technology: For the positions directly in front of the Large screen wall a special technical approach was implemented: The workstation planned for one operator can be extended to two or three workstations at the push of a button - according to current requirements. For additional employees only one additional mouse-keyboard unit is used at a time.
Photo 12 | JST Videowall: Each of the two large screens walls in the new INEOS control room consists of four 55-inch (140cm) business displays, which are perfectly suited for 24/7 use thanks to perfect illumination by energy-saving LED backlighting and high pixel resolution. Special advantage. If required, the ultra-slim frames also allow an application to be shown on several displays simultaneously.
Photo 13 | JST DisplayWall: Perfect in design and finish - the DisplayWall. Design strips with high-quality aluminum brushed surface and the AlarmLight give the large screen the unmistakable JST look.
Photo 14 | JST Technology: View of the rear view of the displays, fitted into the JST DisplayRack. This was also where the technical components of the control room were outsourced. Heat emissions and disturbing noises are no longer an issue for the control room team.
Photo 15 | JST MultiConsoling®: With the graphical MultiConsoling user interface myGUI® the consoles of the operators desks and the large screen wall are shown as “Control room image”. All required sources are shown on the side and can be dragged and controlled by the operator via customizable icons onto any screen at the workstation or large screen wall with a simple mouse click.
Photo 16 | JST MultiConsoling®: The JST MultiConsoling® offers the greatest possible flexibility and even reduces the monitors at the workstation to an absolute minimum. All important systems thus remain within the operator's narrow field of vision.
Photo 17 | JST ControlRoom-Automation: Recessed directly into the table top of the OperatorDesks - the CommandButton Box for JST ControlRoom-Automation System. The buttons enable the desired scenarios to be displayed on the monitors at the workstation and on the large screen at the touch of a button.
Photo 18 | JST myGUI®: JST was also able to realize the special wishes of the company with regard to the lighting in the INEOS control room. The ceiling lighting can be controlled via the interactive MultiConsoling® user interface myGUI®…
Photo 19 | …the lowering of the lighting intensity is done directly by mouse click.
Photo 20 | JST Technology: The large screen wall is equipped with a visually appealing DisplayCover. A control panel was integrated into this cover on request, allowing INEOS employees to perform emergency shutdowns directly and without access to the software. Project manager Waldemar Seibel: "Our plants are all about the safety of people and the environment. Such emergency shutdowns are not only necessary because of current safety standards".
Chemical control room: highest availability
With 2,200 employees in four business divisions, INEOS in Cologne is one of the largest locations of the INEOS Group. These business units also include INEOS Oxide, Europe’s largest producer of ethylene glycol. The production of this basic chemical as a starting material for various end products – from antifreeze to polyester fibers – is monitored in a modern control room that JST – Jungmann Systemtechnik® designed and installed for the chemical company.
Safety, health and environment are top priorities at INEOS. It is therefore not surprising that the highest maxim when planning a new control room was: “Highest availability is a basic requirement for us”. This is how Waldemar Seibel, production engineer for process control technology at INEOS in Cologne, summarizes the demands made on the control room specialists at JST. Finally, the new control center monitors all processes in the ethylene oxide and ethylene glycol production plants.
Highest demands on system architecture
After the initial preliminary discussions, it was quickly clear to Jungmann consultant Volker Weimer: “The standards of INEOS in Cologne for system availability place the highest demands on the system architecture. Based on this, a fully redundant technical concept was developed that meets the requirement: “The system must be available and operable at all times”.
Wanted: "Truly intelligent solution"
Today’s “showpiece control room”, which is now visited by international guests of the INEOS Group, was originally intended to receive only a technical update. Seibel: “In the old control room, the technology was installed inside the consoles. At some point you reach your limits. Since ever increasing demands are placed on additional technology and additional monitoring and operating systems, we have searched for a .”
Significant added value through JST products
However, in contact with JST consultant Volker Weimer and the technical experts of the Jungmann team, the production engineer quickly realized “that we can still achieve significant added value with JST products.” In addition to advanced software and hardware solutions, modern large screen technology and ergonomically designed furniture were integrated into the new chemical control room. Waldemar Seibel calls the result “both visually and technically impressive”.
Qualified advice directly on site
The expert from INEOS in Cologne received special praise for the qualified advice provided directly on site. While he took the opportunity to visit JST’s control room simulator with a delegation of his maintenance team, he remembers well that the decision making process had already been completed at that point.
"Inspired by progress"
The choice to implement the new control room together with the professionals from JST is evaluated by Waldemar Seibel in retrospect as a “real gain”: “The colleagues are enthusiastic about the progress we have achieved here”.

Control room before and after modernization
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